Narrow representation at leadership levels of U.N. challenge to its credibility

The narrow representation at the leadership levels of the United Nations is a challenge to its credibility and effectiveness, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar said on December 14, making a strong pitch for reformed multilateralism.

Speaking at the Global Technology Summit, Mr. Jaishankar said for obvious reasons the U.N. is equated with multilateralism and the world body is now 75-years-old with the number of members it has about four times to what it was when the world body began.

“So if any entity, any product is 75-years-old and has changed four times over, you would not deny that it is essentially anachronistic. Now, the problem we have today about the narrow representation at the leadership levels of the U.N., I think in many ways is a challenge to its credibility and to its effectiveness,” he said.

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